As an author approaching the final stages of your manuscript, you want to ensure your story is as compelling as possible. A gripping manuscript not only captures readers’ imaginations but also increases your chances of publishing success. Here’s how to make your manuscript hard to put down.
1. Craft an unforgettable opening
How many times have you started reading a book but gave up after the first page or two? Hooking your reader from the very beginning means you’ll get to show them just how amazing the rest of your book is. Getting someone to buy your book is great, but getting someone to be a lifelong fan, read the sequels, and recommend the book to others is even better.
Hook readers with the first line
Your first line should immediately grab the reader’s attention and spark curiosity.
- Start with action or intrigue.
- Present a provocative statement or question.
- Introduce an unusual scenario.
Example: “It was the last time anyone saw the sun.”
Engage with a strong first page
Expand on your opening line with a first page that sets the tone and hints at the story to come.
- Establish the setting, but don’t put too much emphasis on descriptions.
- Introduce the protagonist.
- Keep the action moving without getting bogged down in details.
Continue the pace for the first chapter
By the end of the first chapter, readers should be fully invested in your story.
- Introduce central themes that are played out throughout the manuscript.
- Hint at the main conflict.
- Showcase your unique writing style.
2. End chapters with a reason to continue
Perhaps the biggest key to writing a book that is hard to put down is to add intrigue at the end of every chapter. The books that are best to binge are the ones that keep you telling yourself, “OK, just one more chapter…”
Utilize cliffhangers
Leaving a question unanswered at the end of a chapter compels readers to keep going.
- Introduce sudden revelations.
- Place characters in jeopardy.
- End with a surprising twist.
Pose intriguing questions
Make readers eager to find out what happens next.
- Reveal a secret that raises new questions.
- Have a character make a puzzling decision.
- Introduce a new threat or challenge.
Foreshadow future events
Hinting at what’s to come keeps readers hooked.
- Use subtle clues in dialogue.
- Include symbolic elements.
- Create an atmosphere of anticipation.
3. Eliminate filler content
Ensure every scene serves the story
Each scene should have a clear purpose. If you use an outline to write your manuscript, go through each scene and make sure it’s important to the plot. If you don’t write an outline ahead of time—make one after! Outlines are a great way to see the book as a whole and tease out scenes that don’t make a strong contribution. Each scene should:
- Advance the plot.
- Develop a character.
- Explore a theme.
Avoid redundant information and wordiness
Don’t repeat information unless it adds value (or you’re confident the reader has forgotten it by now), and keep your content concise and punchy, limiting words that add no value to the sentence. Wordy content bores readers!
- Trust your readers to remember key details.
- Use varied sentence structures.
- Ask yourself, “Is there a shorter way to say the same thing?”
Maintain a steady pace
Keep the momentum going to retain reader interest. Read through your manuscript and rate how exciting each chapter is on a scale of 1-10. If you’ve got too many dull chapters in a row, you might need to scrap one of them or reorder content to introduce more intrigue.
- Combine scenes that cover similar ground.
- Keep descriptions vivid but concise.
- Cut unnecessary backstory.
4. Create compelling characters
Develop multidimensional characters
Well-rounded, relateable characters draw readers into the story. Basing characters in your book on people you know in real life is a great way to add dimension.
- Give characters strengths and flaws.
- Show growth over time.
- Provide relatable motivations.
- No character should be pure good or pure evil.
Strengthen character relationships
Dynamic interactions between characters add intrigue. Whether romantic or platonic, characters who bond make readers feel good—and bonded characters who have a falling out make readers invested in the story.
- Build meaningful relationships.
- Introduce conflicts and alliances.
- Explore emotional connections.
5. Polish your manuscript
Refine your writing style
A unique voice makes your manuscript stand out—just make sure the voice you choose is consistent throughout the manuscript.
- Use vivid imagery and sensory details.
- Avoid clichés and overused phrases.
- Be consistent with tone and language.
Ensure consistency throughout
Consistency enhances professionalism and avoids reader confusion. Authors often change the names of characters or locations as they go through the writing process…just make sure you clean up all of the old names you’ve changed. If the reader is asking themself, “Who/Where is that?” they might get confused, think they don’t really know what’s happening, and stop reading.
- Verify character and place names are the same throughout.
- Maintain consistent tense and point of view.
Seek professional assistance
An objective eye can elevate your work. Even the best of us can’t see our own flaws.
- Working with beta readers for initial feedback.
- Hiring a professional editor to refine your manuscript.
Making your manuscript hard to put down involves meticulous attention to storytelling elements and presentation. By crafting an irresistible opening, ending chapters strategically, eliminating filler content, and polishing your writing, you enhance the reader’s experience and increase your manuscript’s appeal.
As you finalize your manuscript for publishing, consider the benefits of collaborating with a professional editor. A developmental editor can help ensure your plot is cohesive, engaging, and ready to captivate readers. A line editor can make your writing style consistent, tight, and punchy. And a copy editor will remove grammatical issues that bog the reader down and make them have to reread sentences.
Ready to make your manuscript truly unforgettable? A professional editor can provide the expertise to refine your story and make it hard for readers to put down. Get paired with an expert editor today.